Seminar approval process

Seminar application for Continuing Competence (CC) credits

To have a seminar approved for CC credit, access and complete the application for CC seminar approval (form updated May 2024). A separate application is required for each course, session or module.

Form instructions: right-click on the link and select “save target as” or “save link as" and save the PDF form to your computer in order to fill it out. The PDF will allow you to save your changes. You can email or mail the completed application to the contact listed in the application instructions. 

  • As our forms change from time to time, ensure that you access this page each time you apply for a seminar.
  • All application requirements are outlined in the package. We recommend you submit all listed requirements in one package to expedite the approval process.
  • Additional dates may be added (at no additional cost or application process) to approved seminars during the current year, provided there is no change of instructors or course content.
Current seminar approval period ends May 31, 2025.
The annual CCOA competence cycle runs from June 1–May 31.

The deadline for seminar application is annually on May 15. Applications received past May 15 will not be reviewed or processed for this current period. If you wish to apply for re-approval of a seminar, all application requirements listed in our application for CC seminar approval must be submitted. All cheque payments must be made payable to The College of Chiropractors of Alberta (CCOA).

Approval criteria

Seminars/courses/conferences that meet the criteria below will be approved for CC credits. One CC credit will be awarded for each full hour of a seminar/course that: 

1. is deemed to have chiropractic clinical relevance; 
2. is within the scope of practice for chiropractors in Alberta;
3. supports the Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, and Practice Directives of Alberta Chiropractors;
4. supports the delivery of chiropractic care and is specific to ongoing clinical competence; and/or
5. as approved by the Council of the CCOA as set out in the Council Approval of Therapeutic and Diagnostic Procedures.

CCOA members remain responsible for the appropriate application of information provided at approved continuing competence presentations that are within the scope of practice for Chiropractors in Alberta, while supporting CCOA Standards of Practice, Position Statements, and Code of Ethics.

As criteria for awarding credit may change, the CCOA does not guarantee that a seminar approved for credit once will be automatically granted approval again.

Council has provided the Registrar the discretion to interpret the meaning and the intent of criteria for competence credit eligibility in providing for competence credit. 

Seminars approved during the current period can add more seminar dates within this period at no additional cost or application process, if there is no change of instructors or course content. The approval period ends May 31 of each year.

Educational Courtesy registration

Instructors not licensed in Alberta: when the instructor is a chiropractor who is licensed outside of Alberta, and the seminar relates to the instruction of a chiropractic technique or modality that includes restricted activities, the instructor must apply for a temporary courtesy registration.

One application per instructor must be submitted with the application for CC credit. Courtesy registrations only apply for the dates that instruction is provided. The courtesy registration may be reinstated for sessional dates for the same course within a renewal year.

Application for courtesy registration  (forms updated June 20, 2023)