Complaints FAQs

How do I know if my concern justifies a complaint?

Unprofessional conduct is defined in the Health Professions Act (HPA). It includes breaches of the CCOA’s Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics, conduct that harms the integrity of the profession, and poor judgement or skill in the provision of service.

Consider speaking directly to your chiropractor about any problems or concerns. If your attempt to speak with your chiropractor is declined or unsuccessful, contact our Conduct Resolution Officer, at 780-420-0932 ext 113 to discuss your concerns. The Conduct Resolution Officer will explain the complaints process and how it applies to your situation. 

For more information, please visit the Complaints Process section of our website.

Will the chiropractor know that I have made a complaint?

Yes, the chiropractor will be given a copy of your written complaint.

Is there a time limit to file a complaint?

The sooner you file your complaint, the more effective the process will be. Complaints may be made against a current regulated member or a former member if it is within two years since the person became a former member. 

Will I be financially compensated if my complaint is upheld?

No. The CCOA cannot provide financial compensation nor direct that the chiropractor provides financial compensation. 

What happens after I complain about a chiropractor?

The CCOA’s Complaints Director will review your written complaint and decide how best to proceed based on options outlined in the Health Professions Act. More information is available on our website under Complaints Process.

What are possible outcomes of a complaint investigation?

  1. The complaint may be dismissed if evidence does not support the complaint, or there was insufficient evidence to proceed, or if the complaint was trivial or vexatious in nature.
  2. The matter may be resolved with a Complaint Resolution Agreement. The complainant consents to the CCOA working with the chiropractor to make necessary practice changes.
  3. The complaint may be referred to a formal hearing, which may result in discipline.

How long does the complaints process take?

Reviewing a complaint can take several months, and in some cases years, depending on the complexity of the complaint, length of investigation and availability of experts (if required).

How can I get a copy of my patient records?

Provide your chiropractor with a written request asking for a copy of your patient records. Follow-up with your chiropractor to ensure they received your request.

Note: Chiropractors may charge for this service, as per provisions in section 10 of the Health Information Act.