
The College of Chiropractors of Alberta is governed by a Council of 10 persons:

  • Five chiropractors, regulated members in good standing - Note: Up to 2022, regulated members on Council were elected. 2023 onwards, any regulated members (new or extended) on Council will be appointed by Council. 
  • Five public members appointed by the Government of Alberta.

Public members provide a critically necessary public-oriented perspective and ensure decisions and actions made by Council are in the best interest of Albertans.

The Chair and Vice-Chair are appointed by sitting Council members.

Role of Council

Council governs in a manner that respects and protects the privilege of self-regulation granted to the profession by the Health Professions Act. Council is responsible for making decisions that best serve the public interest and ensure the quality of chiropractic care in Alberta.

Council defines and oversees the implementation of Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, and Bylaws to ensure Alberta chiropractors provide safe, competent and ethical chiropractic care to Albertans.

Council communications and contact information

Council News, an e-newsletter which is sent out to regulated members on an as-needed basis, reports on special Council news and decisions.


Council News | June 26 / Council News | June 6


Council News | December 7 / Council News | June 28 / Council News | May 29 / Council News | May 17 / Council News | March 13 / Council News | January 23


Council News | July 21 / Council News | July 19 / Council News| April 20 / Council News| February 1 


Council News | November 22 / Council News | October 1 / Council News| July 5 / Council News | March 25 

How to contact Council

To reach a member of Council, email [email protected] and identify their name in the subject line, e.g., Attention: Dr./Ms. Jane Smith. 


2024-2025 Council

Effective July 1, 2024

Council members

Dr. Jason Hollingsworth

Dr. Christopher Nutting
Vice Chair
Chair, Governance Committee

Dr. Moe Gebara

Dr. Aurora Ongaro

Dr. David Opresnik

Dr. Jason Hollingsworth has been in practice for 24 years, having established his wellness clinic with his wife, in Strathmore. They have an adult son studying engineering and a grade 12 daughter who is an accomplished musician. Away from the office, he enjoys time with family and friends, watching sports, movies or spending time outside, including activities such as hiking, biking, golfing or snow shoeing.

Dr. Hollingsworth has had the pleasure of serving on Council for four years and is enjoying the challenges and opportunities of filling the role of Council Chair. He feels it a distinct honour to make decisions that affect the profession, not only here in Alberta, but also the country.  

Dr. Chris Nutting is a chiropractor in North Edmonton and has practiced for 24 years. He owns a multidisciplinary clinic with one associate chiropractor, a TCM acupuncturist, and two massage therapists. He is also passionate about teaching as he holds a position as Dean of Graduate Studies for a small, nutrition-based online university. He is enjoying this next stage of life, being a grandfather, having all adult children, and the ability to spontaneously travel with his wife, Audrey. 

He feels privileged to be accepted as a Council member to assist the CCOA in furthering the profession in the public and being seen as a significant stakeholder with other health professions. He looks forward to giving back to this great profession and would like to see an emphasis on the importance of integrative care. 

Dr. Moe Gebara has been a regulated member since 2011, a CCOA Clinical Advisor since 2015 and a CCOA Investigator since 2022. He is a dedicated chiropractor who enjoys providing patient care and performing research. He strives to help move the profession forward by contributing to Council's collective leadership. 

Dr. Aurora Ongaro has provided upper cervical (NUCCA) care to patients in Edmonton and throughout Alberta for nearly 20 years. Recognizing the importance of giving back to the profession, she has spent the last 15 years as a Clinical Advisor for the College and looks forward to serving the public interest in her role on Council. 

Dr. David Opresnik is a chiropractor in Calgary in his 24 year of practice. He runs a chiropractic office in north downtown Calgary now but has spent the bulk of his career working at multi-disciplinary offices located at the University of Calgary and Mount Royal University. Outside the office, he can be found hiking, fly-fishing or experimenting in the kitchen. He is excited to have received an appointment on Council. He truly believes chiropractors provide a vital service to improving the health of the public. He looks forward to the new ways he can serve the public as a Council member. 


Public Council members

Mr. Michael Kim

Ms. Patricia Pelton 

Ms. Ashley Runka Owens
Chair, Finance and Audit Committee


Michael Kim
is an entrepreneur who has owned and operated many service-oriented businesses, including those in the fields of insurance, travel, banking and a start-up incubator for immigrants. Michael has served as the chair of the board for several charities and has received the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee medal in recognition of his service as the Chair of the board for an education-based charity in Calgary, Alberta.

Patricia Pelton has held several senior level roles in the healthcare sector, including as CEO of the Northern Lights Health Authority as well as acting CEO of the Health Quality Council of Alberta. Growing up in small business has provided a mentality which has served her well in her career. Patricia holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Saskatchewan.

She has extensive governance experience at local, national and international levels. Patricia is immediate Past President and current Board Member of World YMCA, having served a four-year term as President, ending in July 2022. She was the first female and first Canadian to serve in this capacity in the YMCA’s 175+ year history. Patricia enjoys serving as a public representative on councils of regulatory colleges. Patricia is also a Director of Careers, the Next Generation, an organization committed to increasing employment opportunities for young people as well as assisting in mitigating the human resource shortage in the corporate and public sectors.

Ashley Runka Owens has been working in the non-profit sector in Calgary for the past 10 years and has been with United Way of Calgary and Area since March 2017. At United Way, she has worked in different roles and is currently serving as the Manager of Digital Engagement on the Transformation team. In her spare time, she enjoys biking and exploring the outdoors with her husband, two sons and golden retriever. She was born and raised in Kelowna, but now loves calling Calgary home.

She deeply believes in the importance of philanthropy and giving back to the community. She brings this belief to both her work and personal life. She feels privileged to serve as a Council member on the CCOA.