Strategic Plan

Introduction to the Strategic Plan

The College of Chiropractors of Alberta went through a transformational change in 2021, moving from a dual-mandate organization to a single-mandate regulator for the first time since being proclaimed under the Health Professions Act in 2007.

This change has provided a unique opportunity to set a new vision and path for an established organization. The result is the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan which also defines the CCOA's new vision, mission and values and strategic goals. 

The vision articulates a clear, specific and compelling picture of what the CCOA will look like by 2028. The mission informs the CCOA's day-to-day work as delegated by the Health Professions Act. The values define the boundaries the CCOA will operate within in pursuit of its vision. The strategic goals focus on regulation and competencies of regulated members, external relationships, organizational reputation and internal resources. 


The College of Chiropractors of Alberta is recognized as a leading health professional body demonstrating excellence in chiropractic regulation. 


The College of Chiropractors of Alberta protects and serves the public interest through regulation to ensure safe, competent and ethical care. 


  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Proportionate
  • Agility

Strategic Goals

  • 1 - Ensure the standards and core competencies promote excellence of care while being responsive to emerging developments.
  • 2 - Ensure the practice of regulated members is patient-centered through safe, competent and ethical care.
  • 3 - Maintain and enhance public trust and confidence in the College of Chiropractors of Alberta (CCOA) and strengthen productive relationships with our stakeholders.
  • 4 - Optimize organizational capacity and effectiveness, recognizing our staff is the CCOA's greatest resource.

About the Strategic Plan

The 2022-2027 College of Chiropractors of Alberta (CCOA) Strategic Plan has been constructed based on the collective inputs of Council members–practitioners and public members–and internal organizational leadership through workshops and meetings. The strategic plan will be used as a map to focus the CCOA's work on behalf of Albertans through our regulated members. At the same time, it is viewed as a developing document to address new opportunities and realities that may emerge during the next five years.

Ultimately, our efforts are focused squarely on ensuring that protection of the public is paramount.

Resources and documents